Friday, February 19, 2010

What a weird week-- the library at school was so slow. Besides the kinders and first graders that come on a schedule, hardly any kids came in at all. I was on the computer almost the entire time I've been at school this week-- some for CCIRA, a lot for just stuff. Thank goodness there ARE computers or I would go stir crazy. I've actually been working on getting all the long overdue books back or paid for-- so many books out since school started and the fall! I don't know if they just don't do much about trying to get them back at this school or if they've just kind of given up. Such a lot of money wasted if books aren't returned--so that's my goal for the next few weeks.


Laurie said...

They are very lucky to have you and your commitment.

Nell said...

That picture is hilarious!stable

Nell said...

Oh poop my captcha got put in my comment! Hate the captcha!