Monday, December 17, 2007

It's time for things to slooow down. Trying to do too much, and not doing any of it very well. Then I read this post and I wonder where she gets the energy and the time.

On the schedule for tonight-- making reindeer poop. At least that's what Mini-Martha calls it. And if she ever updated her blog, I'd link it for you but she's a slacker. MM is my niece-- organized, bossy, and funny. Even when she's not trying to be. Reindeer Poop is actually little chocolate covered balls of ore* cookies crushed and mixed with cream cheese. Dee-lish. If I had some of those little things and a cup of that hot chocolate we made last night-- I'd be a happy camper.

This afternoon I had probably my favorite class in the library. And I'm surprised to say that they are sixth graders. My relationship with the sixth graders is so different this year-- for several reasons. For one thing, their classrooms aren't way on the other side of the building in some forgotten hallway. They are in the main part of the school, and very visible. For another thing, one of the teachers is new to sixth grade and has a great relationship with the kids. Both teachers do, actually, but one of them is much more fun-loving and loving with them. It's made for a really nice year wiht the sixth graders.

Four more days.


Laurie said...

1. One of the dinners came IN ITS ENTIRETY from Schwans.
2. The candies involved white chocolate and crushed peppermint.
3. The book club brought 7 of the already delivered 8 charity gifts, AND wrapped them.
4. The vacuuming was UNDER DURESS.
But thanks for the "You're amazing." Plus, I really did feel sick. ick.
But hey, wanna get together? Archivers on Sunday? Golden AND archivers?

Anonymous said...

Thanks! I love my class this year and I am glad other teachers are beginning to see a different side to 6th grade.