Saturday, June 07, 2008

I love most Saturdays. This morning there was a little chill to the air when I woke up, and though it promises to be a beautiful day, I'd kind of like a little more chill.

I had the most amazing massage this morning--I totally took potluck when I called to make the appointment last night--and boy was I lucky. This guy found trigger points and tight spots in my neck & arms that I didn't know existed. I liked this person so much I've already made an appointment for next Saturday morning. After the massage I went next door and got a turkey wrap at the deli--yum. The only thing I don't like is going someplace like that after a massage--I don't usually have makeup on (kinda scary) and my hair is all crazy wild. Although since my haircut on Monday, that's what it's supposed to look like anyway now!
Yesterday I met some of my favorite people for lunch-- all people I taught with over many years at my other school. All but two are retired--and one that isn't, should be, because she's taught for 37 years! We had such a good time-- a couple of these people I haven't seen for very long time. These ladies made me the teacher I am today--I learned so much from all of them. One of the most wonderful things-- we all still really enjoy being with each other. I do kind of look like I'm a hunchback in this picture--but for some reason we thought we needed to lean in. It was a great time.

We have a show tonight, and one more tomorrow, then it's a wrap. It's always great fun, but I think most of us are all really glad when it's over. This group has been in existence for 50 years, and last night was a dinner celebrating the group, it's alumnae, and it's history. A lot of people from the original 1958 group were there, and it was so interesting to talk to others who had been in the group over the years. I always tell people I'm not a small talk person, but I think I did a pretty good job last night. These people all have such interesting stories-- not just about the theatre group, but about the area in general. My dad would fit right in--he's got a lot of great stories like that, as well.

I'm looking forward to a fairly relaxed day--until I head to the theatre, at any rate. My house looks like a thrift store dumping place--I can tell I haven't been home much lately. I tend to just throw belongings anywhere when I'm over-busy. I have at least 6 pairs of shoes right here by the computer, and I still have my retirement party gifts and cards waiting to be put away. I've brought a couple of boxes of things from school home (the rest went into storage for a few months, thank goodness) so those are in the way, as well. There's laundry, my oil needs to be changed, I need a dentist appointment, my car desperately needs to be washed, I need to get groceries...just for starters.

Good thing I'm retired now.

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