Sunday, October 22, 2006

Brrr--I'm sitting her at Kink-ohz using their 20 cents/minute internet and my hands are freezing.

This was a pretty nice weekend-- didn't really do much, but I sure did enjoy the down time. Saturday I picked up a little around the house (emphasis on little) and after B came over after his voice lesson and other class he's taking in Birkenstock/Wild Oats Town we went to eat and bum at Joe-Anne. Later we watched Akeelah and the Bee-- good, but for me it wasn't "wow!" kind of good like many people had said it was. I did enjoy all the spelling bee stuff, since that's kind of my thing at school, but the story of the poor little black child, gang banger brother, run down school in the projects and the overworked mom that has no time for her kid gets a little old after awhile.

Today I spent a few hours scrapbooking with the girls. I really didn't do any scrapbooking--I sorted a lot of old photos. And I mean a lot. Ones from when I was in first grade, and a lot of old black and whites of my family BMSWB (before my sister was born), and a lot of some mission trips I went on with the teenagers at church, and a ton of ones from past classes I've taught. There were way more, too, and I did get them at least sorted into common sets--school, family, friends, church, etc.

Looks like there may be a trip to the Virginia/D.C. area right after Christmas-- CP and I are trying to make some plans to visit another friend who lives in the area. It's been 11 years since I've been out there to see her, even though she's been here for reunions and to visit her family. I can say for a fact it will be a wild and crazy time-- the three of us have known each other for at least 34 years and there's usually lots of silliness. Funny Laurie would fit right in!

Guess that's it-- when you're paying for internet access by the minute, you don't tend to waste time.

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